Thursday, 13 October 2011

Fig Frangipan Tarts

You know how you see things on telly and you think, I will try that out, well this was one of those.

I went for a sweet crust pastry as I was aiming for a really crisp almost biscuit like result.

I baked the pastry blind, but instead of trimming before baking like I usually would I followed Mary Berry and tried to trim after baking.  I don't remember what she did, did she saw with a serrated knife, she could not have done what I did because I got crumbs everywhere.

The frangipan with pistachio seemed fine, and I put a slice of fig on top to be pretty.  The fig does look really nice, in that the seeds really pop against the red of the fruit, but... the fig started to catch and so I took them out, they looked a bit soft so I turned the oven down and oput them back in and with all the tooing and froing the frangipan shrank. 

The pastry was good, but the frangipan was not sweet enough and was too oily, I did equal parts egg, sugar, almonds and butter next time, more sugar and less butter... then again cooking at the wrong temperature might have made more oil come out of the almonds.. even so it wasn't that sweet.

The fig was pretty but there wasn't enough to give flavour, perhaps next time, fig on the side is the way to go.  Raw or maybe baked with a little cinnamon and honey.  Perhaps make it even more simple and have the Greek yoghurt with honey and pistachios that I have used on my honey cake in the past.

Things don't go to plan sometimes, there is no shame in that. 

Does anyone have any tips on trimming cooked pastry?

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